Published inSaturdays.AIClasificación de idiomas originarios de BoliviaAutores: Cota V. Andreina, Cusi L. Evelyn, Nina M. Juan DilanSep 13, 2021Sep 13, 2021
New refactorings for Pharo 9These months I was working fixing and introducing new refactorings.May 3, 2021May 3, 2021
Adding shortcuts and new submenu for refactoringsIn this post I will show some small improvements that I made on the refactoring access commands.Jul 23, 20191Jul 23, 20191
New previews for Pull up and Push down refactoringIn this post I will show you a small progress made during the second stage of GSoC for Pharo, of the project: “Better and more…Jul 23, 2019Jul 23, 2019
Better and more refactorings for Pharo — Part 3This is a post summary of my first month in the GSoC program. Then let’s get started…Jun 26, 2019Jun 26, 2019
Better and more refactorings for Pharo-Part 2This post is aimed to give a small introduction of what refactoring is and to present the refactoring tool that Pharo currently has, in…May 20, 2019May 20, 2019
Better and more refactorings for Pharo — Part 1Hi everyone! My name is Evelyn, I am from Bolivia, and during the Google Summer of Code 2019, I will be working on improving the…May 13, 2019May 13, 2019
Pruebas funcionales con ParasolEn cualquier proyecto de desarrollo de software “los tests no son opcionales”, debido a que hacer tests es la forma en la que nos…Apr 25, 2019Apr 25, 2019